Year Level - Change Your Height V3
Year Level - Change Your Height V3 ->>>
When healthy lifestyle changes are not enough, your healthcare provider may recommend treating obesity with FDA-approved medications. These medications work by affecting your brain or gastrointestinal tract:
There are several risk factors for class III obesity. Some risk factors can be changed, such as lifestyle habits. Other risk factors, such as age, genetics, race and ethnicity cannot be changed. Healthy lifestyle habits can decrease your risk of developing obesity.
Class III obesity is a serious health condition that can lead to complications and a decreased quality of life. The good news is that your healthcare provider can tailor several treatment options to you and your health needs and goals. It can be daunting and challenging to try to lose weight and change lifestyle habits. Know that your medical team is there to support you in reaching your health goals.
Background: Previously, there were only a few reports on the negative relationship between pubertal growth in height and levels of serum lipid in boys. Detailed information on both genders is needed.
Methods: We investigated the relationship between pubertal growth in height and serum lipid. Subjects were 1442 boys and 1350 girls followed up from age 10-11 years (the fifth grade level of elementary school) to age 13-14 years (the second year of junior high school). Anthropometric variables and serum lipids were measured by the same protocol at both ages.
Results: From cross-sectional analysis, at both ages negative relationships between total cholesterol levels and height were found in both genders. On longitudinal analysis, height at age 10-11 years was one of the factors predicting the level of total cholesterol at age 13-14 years. In addition, negative relationships between increase in height and change in serum lipids (total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein cholesterol) over the 3-year period were obtained in both genders. Thus, pubertal children who experience a large increase in height tended to show a decrease in serum lipids, and children who experience a small increase in height tended to show an increase in serum lipids.
Conclusion: In both genders, total cholesterol level in pubertal children is negatively associated with height. Height velocity is inversely associated with dynamic changes in serum lipids during puberty.
Sea level along the U.S. coastline is projected to rise, on average, 10 - 12 inches (0.25 - 0.30 meters) in the next 30 years (2020 - 2050), which will be as much as the rise measured over the last 100 years (1920 - 2020). Sea level rise will vary regionally along U.S. coasts because of changes in both land and ocean height.
Continuously tracking how and why sea level is changing is an important part of informing plans for adaptation. Our ability to monitor and understand the individual factors that contribute to sea level rise allows us to track sea level changes in a way that has never before been possible (e.g., using satellites to track global ocean levels and ice sheet thickness). Ongoing and expanded monitoring will be critical as sea levels continue to rise.
This indicator presents trends in sea level based on measurements from tide gauges and from satellites that orbit the Earth. Tide gauges measure relative sea level change at points along the coast, while satellite instruments measure absolute sea level change over nearly the entire ocean surface. Many tide gauges have collected data for more than 100 years, while satellites have collected data since the early 1990s.
Relative sea level trends represent a combination of absolute sea level change and any local land movement. Tide gauge measurements such as those in Figure 2 generally cannot distinguish between these two different influences without an accurate measurement of vertical land motion nearby.
Some changes in relative and absolute sea level can be due to multi-year cycles such as El Niño and La Niña, which affect coastal ocean temperatures, salt content, wind patterns, atmospheric pressure (and thus storm tracks), and currents. Obtaining a reliable trend can require many years of data, which is why the satellite record in Figure 1 has been supplemented with a longer-term reconstruction based on tide gauge measurements.
Thirty years ago, scientists and engineers launched a new satellite to study the rising and falling of seas over time, a task that once could only be done from the coast. TOPEX/Poseidon rocketed into space on August 10, 1992, and started a 30-year record of ocean surface height around the world. The observations have confirmed on a global scale what scientists previously saw from the shoreline: the seas are rising, and the pace is quickening.
Together, the mission teams have assembled a unified, standardized ocean topography record that is equivalent to the work of a half-million tide gauges. The scientists accumulated and corroborated a data record that is now long enough and sensitive enough to detect global and regional sea level changes beyond the seasonal, yearly, and decadal cycles that naturally occur.
The altimetry data also show that the rate of sea level rise is accelerating. Over the course of the 20th century, global mean sea level rose at about 1.5 millimeters per year. By the early 1990s, it was about 2.5 mm per year. Over the past decade, the rate has increased to 3.9 mm (0.15 inches) per year.
Seasonal (3-month) sea level estimates from Church and White (2011) (light blue line) and University of Hawaii Fast Delivery sea level data (dark blue). The values are shown as change in sea level in millimeters compared to the 1993-2008 average. NOAA image based on analysis and data from Philip Thompson, University of Hawaii Sea Level Center.
Sea level is measured by two main methods: tide gauges and satellite altimeters. Tide gauge stations from around the world have measured the daily high and low tides for more than a century, using a variety of manual and automatic sensors. Using data from scores of stations around the world, scientists can calculate a global average and adjust it for seasonal differences. Since the early 1990s, sea level has been measured from space using radar altimeters, which determine the height of the sea surface by measuring the return speed and intensity of a radar pulse directed at the ocean. The higher the sea level, the faster and stronger the return signal is.
These data are for education and communication purposes only. The early part of the time series shown in the graph above comes from the sea level group of CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Australia's national science agency. They are documented in Church and White (2011). The more recent part of the time series is from the University of Hawaii Sea Level Center (UHSLC). It is based on a weighted average of 373 global tide gauge records collected by the U.S. National Ocean Service, UHSLC, and partner agencies worldwide. The weights for each gauge in the global mean are determined by a cluster analysis that groups gauges from locations where sea level tends to vary in the same way. This prevents over-emphasizing regions where there are many tide gauges located in close proximity. The most recent year of data should be considered preliminary. Scientific users should acquire research-quality data directly from UHSLC and/or the NOAA Tides and Currents webpage.
The University of Tuebingen provides data on human height for men in many countries around the world from 1810 to 1980. It gives us a perspective of changes over almost two centuries. We see this data in the charts.
The data shown here is based on a global study, published by NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC) in 2016.3 This dataset is based on both demographic and health surveys as well as academic studies. It reports mean height for adults by year of birth, from 1896 to 1996; in other words, people who had reached their eighteenth birthday from 1914 to 2014.
The following slope chart illustrates the changes in mean male height by region. Here we see that the largest gains in height were seen for European and Central Asian men; their mean height increased by 11 cm, overtaking North American men in the process. The smallest absolute gains were seen for South Asian men; mean height increased by only 5 cm.
Overall, the regional variation in male heights increased over the last century. For men born in 1896, there was an eight centimetre gap in mean height between the shortest and tallest region. 100 years later, this gap had increased to 12 cm.
At the global level, the relative increase in mean height was the same for men and women: around five percent. But as we see, there is significant variation across countries. This chart shows the percentage change for men on the y-axis, and for women on the x-axis. The grey line here represents parity: where the change was the same for both sexes. Countries which lie above the grey line saw greater height increase for men than for women; for countries below the line, the opposite is true.
Some countries saw very different changes for men and women. In South Korea, for example, mean height for women increased by 14% versus 9% for men. In the Philippines the opposite was true: male height increased by around 5% versus only 1% for women.
Despite a relatively consistent ratio at the global level, some countries have seen significant changes. A century ago, South Korean males were on average 18 cm taller than their female counterparts; this difference has fallen to 13 cm, meaning that South Korean women have seen larger absolute gains in height than South Korean men. By contrast, in the Philippines this difference has doubled from 7 cm to 14 cm, meaning that average height of Filipino men has increased faster than that of Filipino women.
Human height for both men and women has increased over the past century: this is true of every country in the world. But, over the last few decades, human height in some countries have been stagnating. This is illustrated in the following charts which show the year-on-year relative change in average male and female heights by region. Positive values here indicate an increase in average height from one year to the next; zero indicates no change; and negative indicates a decline. 59ce067264
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